Sound of Harmony is a class that trains students vocally to bring musical songs to life by telling stories through every lyric. Just like in 2023, we strive to bring our students to become the star they want to become. We will be training our students and preparing them for their final grand concert.
What’s new in Sound of Harmony 2024?
In 2024, we will bring Show Business 101 as a workshop for the Sound of Harmony students. Show Business 101 is an event to help students prepare for their stages and be in the spotlight. It will enhance the students’ public speaking and their confidence for each show.
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Since 2022, ARENDI has started our own quarterly musical theater studies. Concentrated Musical Theater Program is a non-full time introductory program providing concentrated study in vocal performance, acting and dancing for students interested in pursuing further higher education or careers in performing arts.
What’s new in CMTP Batch 3
In 2024, we have additional class activities that include field-based learning methods to give students a direct knowledge in musical theater and self improvement skills training to reach a more professional level in performance.
In addition to that, we have added two new versions of CMTP: Regular classes and Triple Threat class.
Regular class will allow students to pick one out of three classes of Musical Theater: Singing, dancing, or acting. This way, students can focus on the field they want to improve on the most.
In Triple Threat class, students will be learning all three: Singing, dancing, and acting, as part of the learning program. Students are advised to have the basics of all three skills in order to participate.
This year, ARENDI is attending Asia vocal competitions. Similar to last year, we will bring students to places where their skills may reach in order to achieve the great stages in the industry.
Fokus dalam menyediakan wadah bagi anak muda untuk menyalurkan aspirasinya di dunia vokal dan seni pertunjukan, kali ini Relasi Nada Dunia (RND) akan mempersembahkan drama musikal yang mengusung konsep Broadway, dengan cerita berjudul “Into The Woods JR”. RND membawa judul besar ini untuk di tampilkan di Jakarta, melalui agensi perizinan resmi Into The Woods JR, yaitu Music Theatre International (MTI) yang […]
Pentas musikal Into the Woods Jr. sukses menyambut penonton pada Minggu (25/08/19) di Usmar Ismail Hall, Jakarta Selatan. Pentas dengan durasi kurang lebih dua jam ini merupakan pentas musikal pertama yang diadakan oleh organisasi berbasis seni pertunjukan Relasi Nada Dunia (RND). Disutradarai oleh Venantius Vladimir Ivan, pentas ini merupakan musikal broadway karya James Lapine dan Stephen Sondheim dengan […]
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